Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Get off your butt & Plant Something!

So the hardworking folks at the Oregon Association of Nurseries, along with some dedicated retailers have joined the Plant Something campaign.  This campaign is targeted to consumers with fun, catchy ads.  I have a "Play Dirty, Plant Something" sticker up in my car.

The campaign is part of a nationwide effort to teach consumers all the wonderful benefits of gardening (which us plant nerds already know ;) ).  In Oregon we have our own website: http://www.plantsomethingoregon.com .  This website links up to participating garden centers, public gardens and other resources.

Here are some sample ads that retailers can use.  It is a relatively easy way for retailers to gain regional exposure for their locations.

If you are a retailer and would like more information on the program please contact Ann Murphy (Director of Marketing) at the OAN mailto:amurphy@oan.org , or visit the OAN website http://www.oan.org .  And by all means, get out there and Plant Something yourself!

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